
BLOKit Face Coverings are very popular

Covid-19 Face Coverings Face Masks Virus filter

BLOKit Face Coverings are very popular

BLOKit - We are getting great feedback about our new product - the face covering clips.


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Blokit face covering

Blokit face covering

Retired Surgeon Sam Laucks, has this to say about wearing masks

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BLOKit - New product, for face covering

Face covering

BLOKit - New product, for face covering

BLOKit Face Coverings 

We are currently in the process of developing a new face covering system. We want to help everyone make their own face covering with minimum effort.

The idea is that our clamp system will allow you to take a rectangle of any fabric and clamp at each end to our ear loops and use immediately.

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Kakoi is hoping to support PPE supplies

Kakoi is hoping to support PPE supplies

Kakoi could supply PPE

What can we do then? If we think about controlling the virus, which means stopping the infected infecting the healthy, it makes more sense to “cover” or shield the infected. The problem therefore, could be solved to a large degree, with a combination of social distancing and face covering. But that means everybody must wear face covering without exception. 

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Why Slug Traps and Why Beer

Why Slug Traps and Why Beer

Why use a slug trap - this is my story. The most common complaint, though, is how messy it is. But that's the thing, it really doesn't have to be. Since I came up with the design for the Slug Inn, we have been getting so many positive reports from our Slug Inn customers. Simply because it does make the whole process significantly easier and mess free. Here's why...

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